You need Creobic Ringworm Treatment Cream, the Solution to cure all ringworm symptoms. To fully appreciate how Creobic Ringworm Treatment works, it’s important to firstly understand a few key important facts about ringworm.
Ringworm (also know as Tinea) is actually a skin or scalp disease caused by fungal infections. Ringworm can be infected on scalp, body or skin, nails & feet (also commonly know as athlete’s foot). Ringworm is not worm related at all.
Ringworm fungus will cultivate on the surface of your outer skin as well as in the dermal layers on your skin. Hence, to get rid of ringworm effectively, you need to kill the fungus on and in your skin!
This is the reason why most ringworm treatment solution you see out there don’t work! All they do is to treat the surface of your outer skin only. They don’t kill the fungus in the dermal layers of your skin! Hence, the fungus in your skin will cultivate again and ringworm would recur or relapse in a matter of weeks!
What you need is a ringworm treatment that kills the fungus completely once & for all!

Creobic Ringworm Treatment Cream is scientifically formulated to get rid of all ringworm symptoms, including scalp ringworm, body ringworm, hand & feet ringworm (athlete’s foot) and even nail ringworm.
It works on a unique 3-pronged strategy to cure ringworm:
1. Soothe
Creobic Ringworm Treatment Cream gives a cooling sensation and soothing effect to calm your rashes or leasion immediately upon contact. You will experience an instant relief & reduced itching.
2. Kill
2. Kill
Once you apply Creobic Ringworm Treatment Cream on the infected area, it will kill all the fungus on the skin surface area immediately. Within 2 to 5 applications (depending on the severity of your ringworm), you will see a visible improvement in your condition.
3. Eliminate
3. Eliminate
Creobic Ringworm Treatment Cream will fully penetrate your skin surface to kill the ringworm causing fungus in your skin dermal layers. Besides, it will also stop further germination of the fungus. Hence, your ringworm will be totally eliminated!
It is this unique 3 pronged strategy that makes Creobic a very effective ringworm cure. The effectiveness of Creobic in treating all types of ringworm symptoms – scalp or body ringworm athlete’s foot & fungal infections is proven!
Not only that, Creobic Ringworm Treatment Cream is 100% hypoallergenic, i.e. you will not experience any allergy or skin irritation from using it. There are no side effects at all and can be used by both adults or children aged 3 & above!