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October 13, 2009

Microblogging platform

Meet David Karp, only 23 year old and making real money with his own founded Microblogging platform, Tumblr. Visit its website in my blog specials.

Believe it or not, Tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything! It's pretty cool, a combination of a blog and Facebook, which is perfect if you are a chronic exhibitionist like me :)

He says his Goal No. 1 is growth is aiming the blog for a mainstream audience.
Click to begin this magnificent tour! Should i say blogging and Money are inseparable or what!

In 2005, David Karp was running his software consulting business, developing new media for big media companies. He got the idea for Tumblr after becoming captivated by a new form of blogging known as "tumblelogging" that presented material of various formats (such as text, photo, and video) in a stream. While building a tumblelog for himself, the programmer realized other fans of the form would want to use a simple tool that would allow them to create their own.

So during a two-week window between consulting jobs, Karp, who first started coding when he was 11, created the first iteration of such a tool designed with speed, ease of use, and customization in mind.

Launched in 2007 for general consumption, the Tumblr platform now has 1.8 million users and has landed $5.5 million in venture capital from two rounds of funding with Union Square Ventures and Spark Capital. Karp, 23, says the 10-person company is not making money yet but will be experimenting with revenue-generating features this quarter.

Believe it!

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